Posts in video

Images © Binta Kopp & Jannis Davi


With the invitation to the PARA/SITE O. SINENSIS event, which was curated by Lhaga Koondhor, fromheretillnow responded with a selection of moving images and music videos that were focused on noise and the complex relationship between host and parasite.

The displayed videos combined different visual and acoustic aesthetics, providing insights into the multifaceted possibilities that had emerged between documentary fiction, experimental short films, and contemporary music videos. The program explored various types of disruptions and examined noises and their effects on our perception and existence while adapting symbiotically to the given environment.

Over the course of two days, works were shown by: Chuquimamani-Condori + Oshua Chuquimia Crampton, Dis Fig and Alice Z Jones, Evicshen, mm+tt, Mschyen, Loft Garten, Peter Tscherkassky, Ruhail Qaisar, Scotch Rolex & Lord Spikeheart, and Toshio Matsumoto.


Parasite O.Sinensis starring HAWA, Lord Spikeheart, münki, Ayshat Campbell & Asian Eyez, A Film by Binta Kopp & Jannis Davi

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Artist: Christian Naujoks
Album: Wave
Label: DIAL
Video by: Sung Tieu


The works of Tieu and Naujoks are interwoven in a complex and contradictory way. It is not their similarity, but the tension between their different artistic practices that characterizes their live performance - the contradiction in the widely separated coordinates of their expression and also their geographic location.

The latest works of the young artist Sung Tieu are influenced by her visit to the mountainous region of Bạch Mã in her home country of Vietnam. Her prose and experiments on the traditional Vietnamese stringed instrument Đàn Bầu underlie the wordless universes created by the Hamburg musician and artist Christian Naujoks. His melancholic soundscapes are based on short, concise melodies and the use of relays and echo effects on the guitar.

In response to Naujoks' recent compositions on his album "Wave," Tieu filmed a short video of snapshots of a tropical beach on her trip, which serves as a background for their performance together.

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